[slideshow]So that´s it. Tomorrow morning we are leaving and we may never see each other again… Some people is sad because of the departures, some people is doing their best to enjoy the last hours they have to be with their lads, everybody is exchanging mails and adresses and the most skillful «cooks» of each country are working hard to prepare delightful dishes.
Because tonight it´s not an ordinary night at all, we are making this final moments special with a supper prepared by ourselves. Each organization will be represented by a common dish of their own country. So after some tears, a lot of hard work and even more failed «experiments» the feast is ready.
The maltesh people go first with some herbal cheeses, some snacks and something resembling a grey, molty kuskus. It tastes only a little bit better than it lookes… Then it is the turn of the swedish and thats what safes us all of starving to dead, because their hotdog with mashed potatoes, ketchup and mustard is really tasty.
Our moment arrives, we nervously present our spanish omolettes and can´t be more surprised when people starts telling us it´s delicious. The truth is that we thought we didn´t have a chance after the hotdog but they have been quite a succes.
Some more delicacies follow and we put an impecable end to the dinner with some basque pies and a lot of «official presents» Alex has brought for each organization. They consist on a basque beret and a ikurrina for each of the groups. And not only that but we also have a genuine floor tile from Bilbao and a CD of Gatibu for the coordinators of Spirit of Eniskillen, to share with people from all around Europe, so I have to say we have become quite popular around here.
After that, a few games, some jokes, some music and a short party in a pub follow and then the german people goes. It´s heart-breakingly sad to tell them goodbay but we make promises of keeping in touch by facebook and tell them bye.
So much activity is exhausting so it´s time to go bed now.
Tomorrow a goodbye and a plane wait for us.