Hello there!
My name is Chiara, and three weeks ago I’ve started one of the best experiences of my life.
I am currently a psychology student in Italy but since I have just my thesis left, I thought that the best way to open my mind to the world was to actually live in another culture and immersing myself in it. That’s why I chose this project, because it gives me the chance to work directly with the locals and live their typical day.
Moreover, it helps me helping others which is something that as a future psychologist I do really cherish. Thanks to this project, I can work with children and adolescents in a non-formal setting, helping them with their homework, talking with them or simply spending their leisure time together.
In this small amount of time I have learnt so much from them, and this experience is helping me shaping my future, understanding what I want to do and who I want to become.

Furthermore, Bilbao is a wonderful city, surrounded by nature and full of activities and cultural events. Everywhere you look you will find people enjoying the possibilities that this city offers, such as museums, music festivals, a lot of delicious bakeries and so much more.
It’s difficult to put into words how much I am glad to be here, but I can say that I am more than happy to have this opportunity and to experience it with my amazing flatmates Teresa and Diego.
I’ll keep you updated about our journey!
Esta acción del programa de voluntariado europeo de Kiribil Sarea, se realiza con la financiación del programa Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad y el apoyo del Área de Juventud y Deporte del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao.