InclusiON (Kick off meeting)

We are immersed in a new European project: InclusiON.

The topic of this project is the social inclusion through free time in education.

During today, Monday March 20th, and tomorrow March 21st, a transnational meeting will be develop in Bilbao to coordinate the organizations involved and to kick off the project.

InclusiON project goals:

  • The promotion of training activities for the social inclusion of young people.
  • Exchange of good practices and methodologies for social inclusion projects for young people.
  • Develop training programs aimed at the inclusion of young immigrants and refugees.

We are 6 partner organizations; From Basque Country, Kiribil Sarea, EDE Fundazioa and the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU).

And 3 other organizations from different European countries; Giovani Senza Frontiere from Italy, Conversations International Association from Portugal and Mladez Ulice from Slovakia.

During the 15 months of the project, We will develop Seminars, training and meetings, in Bilbao, Portugal, Slovakia and Italy where will participate young people, students, immigrants, youth workers, teachers, social educators, …

This project will be funded by «Erasmus + program from the European Commission».

It will be a very interesting project, and you will have the opportunity to take part in it, as people involved in the leisure time of Basque Country.