Intercambios 2015

Fifth day of the Germany – Basque Country exchange program

GERMANY Today we went to Guernica to the Peace Museum: There was a room where we got an impression how the day of the bombing had been for the people. Unfortunately, it was raning so much…but even though, some crazy people went into the sea to swim 🙂 See you tomorrow. BASQUE COUNTRY  Today because… Seguir leyendo Fifth day of the Germany – Basque Country exchange program

Fourth day of the Germany – Basque Country exchange program

GERMANY Today was good but the weather wasn´t that good. Free time was important to get new sunglasses and we had a lot of fun with the basque people. See you tomorrow. BASQUE COUNTRY  Today in the morning we did a boring activity. Most of us were sleepy and we haven´t enjoyed it . After… Seguir leyendo Fourth day of the Germany – Basque Country exchange program

Third day of the Germany – Basque Country exchange program

GERMANY The «Gynkana» was quite hard. We had to walk a lot….. but we also saw a lot of Bilbao. Afterwards, we went to the swimming pool. It was so funny. We had lots of fun with the Basques. Some of us got burned from the sun *ouch*. We had noodle soup and french fries… Seguir leyendo Third day of the Germany – Basque Country exchange program

Second day of the Germany – Basque Country exchange program

      GERMANY The German boys practiced calisthenics. We played sporty games. It was really funny. We had lunch. We introduced our countries. It was really interesting. The Basque presented a traditional dance for us. BASQUE COUNTRY  Today it has been a really good day. We have enjoyed a nice walk around Doña Casilda’s… Seguir leyendo Second day of the Germany – Basque Country exchange program

First day of the Germany – Basque Country exchange program

                        GERMANY The flight was pretty good.We played some football together which was fun.The weather wasn’t really good, but were pretty sure that it will change soon, hopefully having a good time together. Lidl lohnt sich!!!!111!!!! BASQUE COUNTRY  This has been our best day… Seguir leyendo First day of the Germany – Basque Country exchange program

Our second day: swimming pool and visiting the town

The first activity we did that day was going to the swimming pool. When we were there some people sunbathe while other people went swimming. Everyone enjoyed this activity as it give the young people a chance to get to know each other. In the afternoon we went to visit Galdakao, and some of the young… Seguir leyendo Our second day: swimming pool and visiting the town