Hoy si por fin tenemos entrada de nuestra estancia en Polonia. Sentimos el retraso por no poder haberlo hecho antes pero el Wifi se ha roto y nos ha sido imposible.
Hoy si por fin tenemos entrada de nuestra estancia en Polonia. Sentimos el retraso por no poder haberlo hecho antes pero el Wifi se ha roto y nos ha sido imposible.
Today was our last day together as a group. We got up at are usual time and had breakfast before our morning activity which was banana boating. This activity was great fun for all the group and everyone enjoyed it. In the afternoon we had lunch and then we have done our final evaluation. This… Seguir leyendo Last Day!
Today, we went to Belfast to go the Ulster museum – but, as we got there we found out it was closed. We were given more free time in City Centre so the Basque people could have more time to shop and see attractions then, we had to go to City Hall for a tour… Seguir leyendo Second Last Day
In the morning, we started with high ropes which was very funny. There were four different activities to do: the first one was jenga, the second one was like stairs, another one was the leap of faith and the last one were the moving planks. Then we had lunch at 13:00 and after we went… Seguir leyendo Sunday 9th August
Firstly, to start the day off we went to Belfast to do a tour on the murals of both protestant and catholic communities. We went to a museum that was very interesting as it featured historical elements of Irish culture. We then visited Crumlin Road Gaol for a tour. This was very interesting as we… Seguir leyendo Saturday 8th August
The first thing we did today was go to Stormont and learn about how the Northern Ireland government was run. We also learned the history of Stormont and how it has changed from when it opened until 2015. DUP and Sinn Fein are the largest parties in Stormont with the most MLA’s. We enjoyed it… Seguir leyendo 4TH DAY, 6TH OF AUGUST: STORMONT, AREA VISITS AND GLENGORMLEY YOUTH CENTRE
GERMANY Today we received shoes, which we could paint like we wanted to. After the lunch we went to the Portugalete Bridge. Some people went upstairs. It was very high. The others which were affraid of hights stayed downstairs and took the ferry. After that we relaxed at a beach. But we couldn`t go swimming.… Seguir leyendo Last days – Basque Country exchange program
The Partaidetza Training is finished!!!!!! This European Training about Youth Participation was a great experience for us and We hope that all participants enjoy the event. This is a little surprise for all people involved in this proy¡ject. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjDESfTtNr4&w=560&h=315] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf2Yg6_B69Q&w=560&h=315] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pkwS0nw3fE&w=560&h=315] Thank you very much to all people and institutions that make… Seguir leyendo #Partaidetza Training Bonus Track
Goiza Euskadiko herri kirolak ezagutzera emateko erabili dugu. Soka tira, lokotsak, txingak, makilak bira eta beste hainbat froga egin ditugu lehiaketan zehar. Kuriosoa izan da txekiar eta poloniarrak gorri gorri ikustea, soka apurtzeko zorian. Arratsaldean Bilbo bisitatzera eraman ditugu lehenengoz. Bisita gidatua izan dugu, Bilboren historiari buruz zerbait jakiteko. Etxebarria parketik hasita, hiriaren ikuspegi ederra… Seguir leyendo Euskal Herria – Txekiar Errepublika – Polonia / Uztailak 7
Beranduago jaiki gara gaur, hemengo ohitura denez! Poloniarrak mezetara joan dira eta eskolan geratu garenok hainbat joku egin ditugu gorputza mugitzeko, zelai errearekin oso lehiakor ibili dira txekiarrak. Arratsaldean eztabaidarako tartea izan dugu, World Café deituriko dinamika baten bitartez gai desberdinak landu ditugu gazteon gorabeheren inguruko iritziak trukatzeko. Lagunei buruz, harremanei buruz, errutinei buruz eta… Seguir leyendo Euskal Herria – Txekiar Errepublika – Polonia / Uztailak 6