Eight months have passed, and it is time for me to tell you everything about this experience.
This experience has been life-changing for me. From all points of view. The work within the foundation made me realize how important entities are when it comes to helping people. I understood that the scale isn’t important and that each one of us can make a difference in this world. I started this volunteering not knowing if I would really be able to help… Turns out my work was rather essential to helping properly the migrants and I must say this: The feeling I get when I know I have helped someone in some way is one of the best feelings I’ve ever had without a doubt.

Not only have I found particular joy in helping but I was also lucky to meet great people within the association, like my colleagues who were always looking out for me, but also the young Moroccans and Algerians I got to spend time with who made me forget that I was working and instead feel like I was just hanging out with friends. So, I want to thank all of them for their hearty welcome and kindness that made these eight months memorable.
A volunteering experience abroad is more than volunteering per se, you’re living in another city/country and discovering a new culture and new people. Without realizing it, I experienced all the above. I got to visit the city and learn more about the Basque culture through food, “fiestas”, language and so much more! Even though I come from a neighboring country (France), I still felt the cultural difference between the two countries which is crazy if we come to think about it. There’s Spain and then there’s Pais Vasco and I can only encourage you to see for yourself how amazing this region is thanks notably to its gorgeous landscapes.

I guess I’m being redundant, but I have to tell you again to take this opportunity of doing what you love for a few months by going abroad, discovering places you wouldn’t have thought of visiting, all this while gaining experience by helping others J
Finally, I would like to thank again all my colleagues for making me feel like I was an integral part of this “family”, and also a big thanks to Alex who was always there for me when I needed help. Eskerrik Asko !!!

La acogida de voluntariado europeo de Kiribil Sarea, se realiza con la financiación del programa Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad y el apoyo del Área de Juventud y Deporte del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao.