I’m Teresa, I arrived less than two weeks ago to start my service civique in Bilbao, so I thought about introducing myself! I’m 25 years old and I come from France (although I’m Portuguese). Although, I have just been here for a few days, I have loved every minute of it. It’s the perfect combination: the work, the people and the city.
Bilbao is a charming and beautiful city, full of life. You find young people everywhere and there are loads of places to spend your free time. But be prepared, the Basque rain can be tough! I have been to Spain before, but never to the Basque country that is so unique and full of history. I’ve been enjoying getting to know this culture, eat delicious pintxos and learn the basics in Euskera. Moreover, having a big football team in the city, and me as a big football fan, I can say I’m living my best life.

I also get to spend this experience with two other volunteers, Chiara and Diego, from Italy. When you are away from home, having friends is crucial. Here, at Kiribil they put the 3 of us living together, so you are never alone and have someone that is there for you, going through the same struggles like you.
In the next few months, I will be volunteering at Kiribil and Harribide Fundazioa. My work involves supporting migrant people. For now, I have been doing in-depth training that goes from Spanish law to evaluation methods. This is been very valuable in equipping me with all the skills and knowledge needed for my role. Furthermore, I couldn’t ask for better colleagues. They are patient when I ask loads of questions, speak my terrible Castellano (it is more like portunhol- mixing Portuguese and Castellano) and support my ideas.
I’m super excited to be here and can’t wait to see what the next months have in store for me!
Esta acción del programa de voluntariado europeo de Kiribil Sarea, se realiza con la financiación del programa Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad y el apoyo del Área de Juventud y Deporte del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao.