On Thursday we woke up at 8:30am, then we went to get breakfast. We went to the Cultaral Centre to speak about Northern Ireland and Basque conflicts, we used the internet to search for things to show on the powerpoint. We got the train to Kotorrio and then walked for about 30 minutes and finally got there after an exhausting day. Then we done icebreakers with the Immigrants who get well looked after, we all done something different to show how our culture is. There was singing, we taught them the sash, which is a Protestant culture, then we learnt a Basque dance and African dance along with different activitys. The immigrants prepared a meal for us being visitors and we all felt welcomed. When we left, we went back to gym and had free time the rest of the night, we played the mat game, which is sliding along gym mats to see who can get the furthest, later that night the exchanges went and got pizza.
En nuestro tercer día de intercambio, hemos tratado el tema del conflicto entre Irlanda e Irlanda del norte, y España y Euskal Herria. A la mañana hemos estado en Aula Joven de Portu preparando unos powerpoints a cerca de ello. Después del debate hemos ido a comer el picnic y a hacer la compra, pues íbamos a merendar en Kotorrio con unos emigrantes senegaleses y marroquíes. Hemos aprendido bailes africanos y les hemos enseñado un par de euskaldantzak. Después de merendar hemos tenido un par de horas de tiempo libre, y para acabar el día, hemos ido todos juntos a cenar pizza.